
Small Equipment Rental

Dri-Eaz Commercial Dehumidifier

Where to find dri eaz commercial dehumidifier in Quarryville

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Manufacturer Link:  <Click Here>

5 hours: $40.00

Daily: $65.00

Weekly: $190.00

Monthly: $450.00

Quantity for a period of 
  5 hour(s)  day(s)  week(s)  month(s) 
  • Delivery Class - B
  • Water removal AHAM (80°F/60%RH): 130 pts. 16 gal.
  • Max. water removal (saturation): 235 pts. 29 gal.
  • Process air (max.): 325 CFM Floor-level outlet.
  • Dimensions (W × H × D): 20 × 33.5 × 20 in.
  • Use weight: 107 lbs.
  • Amps: 8.3A
  • Volts: 115V
  • Frequency: 60Hz
  • Power cord: 25 ft.
  • Drain hose: 40 ft.
  • Filter type: 4-PRO filter
  • Operating range: 33°F–100°F
* These prices are current. For pricing on our delivery service, please call us or check out our web page on hauling. To place a reservation or for more information please call us at (717) 786-4660.