
Compaction Equip 3k rollers

Wacker RTSC3 Trench Roller Padfoot 3k

Where to find wacker rtsc3 trench roller padfoot 3k in Quarryville

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Actual item may look different
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Manufacturer Link:  <Click Here>

5 hours: $175.00

Daily: $225.00

Weekly: $675.00

Monthly: $2,000.00

Quantity for a period of 
  5 hour(s)  day(s)  week(s)  month(s) 
  • Delivery Class - B
  • Operating weight.........................3,229 lb
  • Length.............................................73 in
  • Width..............................................32 in
  • Height............................................49 in
  • Gradeability.................................50%
  • Fuel Tank capacity....................6.3 gal
  • Remote Controlled
* These prices are current. For pricing on our delivery service, please call us or check out our web page on hauling. To place a reservation or for more information please call us at (717) 786-4660.